Weifang Auspiciousness Economic Commerce Co., Ltd.

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Products > Cut Suction Dredger > > 18CSD- Cutter Suction Sand Dredger
18CSD- Cutter Suction Sand Dredger
18CSD- Cutter Suction Sand Dredger 18CSD- Cutter Suction Sand Dredger 18CSD- Cutter Suction Sand Dredger 18CSD- Cutter Suction Sand Dredger
Product name : 18CSD- Cutter Suction Sand Dredger
Product No. : CSD450
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1)        This cutter suction dredger is designed to operate in sheltered inshore waters and under tropical climate conditions.

2)        Can be dismountable and transported by truck on road.

3)        The engines and dredge pump are located in the center pontoon, the 2 side pontoons are serve as fuel bunkers, ballast tanks and store.

4)        The spacious control cabin is ergonomically designed fitted on a raised platform with all around non obstructed view, 2 operators consoles containing engine instrumentation and controls for winches, dredge pump, suction and discharge pressure gauges, navigation light controls, air conditioned and well insulated .

5)        Below the control cabin is a changing room.

6)        The underwater section of the dredger is protected with a marine coating system and cathodic protection for use in a saltwater environment




General Principle 

(1). Overall Length


Ladder rise

(2). Side Pontoon Length


In two parts

(3). Main Pontoon Length

16.9 m


(4). Breadth



(5). Moulded Depth



(6). Loading Draft



(7). Min. Dredging Depth



(8). Max. Dredging Depth



(9). Dredge Pump Capacity



(10).Discharge distance



(11).Suction Pipe Diameter


22 Inch Diameter

(12).Discharge Pipe Diameter


20 Inch Diameter

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Online service

465448005 info@sandpumpdredger.com 465448005@qq.com maryteng@aliyun.com